Sunday, January 15, 2012

So You thought you knew it all...

We knew we had a lot to learn

Sunday we went to a "hiding" seminar called "So you thought that you knew it all" The morning session was the beginners caching and hiding, it included finding, basic hiding and tools of the trade. We went through the different containers to use, one being Starfrit lock and lock available at different shops.  It is worth purchasing the containers that are sturdy like the Starfrit as the cheaper $Store ones will not hold up especially in our cold winters.
This is the rectangular loc & loc.  They are available at stores like Canadian Tire, Sears, probably at Wal Mart and Zellers.  This size container has room for some tradable along with the log book and pencil.  The main concern about containers is that be "water proof"

Pill bottles or waterproof film canisters are available from The Cache Box Store online if you don't have an alternate source. 

The film canister at the right hand edge is available for purchase from the cache box store for .99 cents.  If you purchase it with the geocaching label it is $2.49.  The Cache Box Store has a big variety of containers and other supplies as well as coins and travel bugs.

inside a rock
bison tubes micro
mini decon

So as you can see the types of containers vary a whole lot, use your imagination and the sky is the limit.  The important factor again is that they be waterproof.  Lee Valley is one place to buy bison tubes. A note on these, you may need to replace the o rings to keep them water proof in our changing temperatures.  Princess Auto is another place to purchase rare earth magnets along with other supplies, watch for supplies to come on sale.

We also had a section on painting your own containes in camouflage, there are a lot of sites on the internet that explain that process.  There are also many videos on U Tube about the process.
If you are using new metal containers that are hidden in plain view, make sure you age them.  You can rough them up with some dents, you can dry brush lite grey paint to age.  The containers can not be new and shiney or they will jump out at people looking for it.  If a container is shiney and new you can use flat black or flat grey spray paint, stand back about 2 feet from container and spray it lightly.

There is also a technique called blending and dazzle the picture on this website is one example.  It is breaking up the lines so it makes it hard to see and hard to determine what it is or what direction it is moving in.

Another hiding tecnique was using ghillie suits, get a net at the dollar store and use the flora from your cache area to disguise.  The problem with this is there is a lot of maintainence as wildlife, weather and time will destroy your camo.  Using fake flora will work but will not blend in so well.

UTube Video on camouflage and hiding geocaches
How to Camouflage a Geocache ver 2.0  

Places People Shop At

Toad Hall Toys Located Downtown Winnipeg
Princess Auto  3292 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3K 0Z1
(204) 831-8275
Lee Valley   1395 Ellice Avenue
Canadian Tire 750 St James St
Wal Mart  1001 Empress St
Cabelas 1300 Ellice AvenueWholesale Sports 1225 St James St

There are many places on the internet to order supplies from as well

I have some of those places on my side bar in the shopping area.

There are offical geocache stickers available from two caches in Winnipeg

Stick'em up, eh? 
For the large stickers

Stick'em down, eh? 
For the small stickers

Have Fun Caching
Caching since 2011 

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